Saturday, 26 January 2013

Editing- Channel Launch Information Box:

I have decided that a less confusing and more efficient way to track the editing of the website is to have separate posts for each page that Eleanor and I are working on. The first page that I am going to continue and really get stuck in, working on is the home page:

As mentioned in the earlier post, I have shown two print screens from the home page already which can be found here. I am going to continue now where that post ended and as stated throughout the previous posts when editing the website, I am going to construct as much text as possible as Eleanor and I have not yet been able to gather as many people as needed for our photo shoots yet, this is something that we are working very hard on and hope that our friends and acquaintances are able to help us in the upcoming weeks.

This print screen shows a box that is positioned half way down the home page. This box will have images placed in it as well as constructed text. However, at current I have placed some plain text from the Wix headings entailing what will be in the box when it is completed. I have decided to add all of the basic text before adding the constructed text from Photofiltre and the images. As you can see from the fox placed on the right hand side, I would like it to contain information on the channel launch including images of the cast members. I plan on constructing the text separately from the images, therefore the text can be constructed any time and placed ready for the images.

I am going to look through some text techniques and edits and apply them to a design of my own that will include all of the information above:


This is the first edit that I have created, although there is not all of the information that I am going to need in the box, I decided to keep the first edit simple: 

As you can see I first added the logo as I thought that something containing information of the channel launch, should definitely include the logo. The 'COMING SOON' text was constructed on Photofiltre, simply by creating a 'Duo tone' of colours and copying the transparent text onto it. Although I sometimes find editing on Photofiltre very time consuming, I do think that the program creates the best result for what Eleanor and I are aiming to create. I am not very fond of the text used in this example as it is very difficult to see the colours of the text and the audience are also going to struggle to see the duo tone and as such an edit was time consuming to in the end, capture the attention of the audience, I do not think that this text serves the purpose of where it is going to be placed. I do however like the style of the constructed image and I also think that the light blue colours work well with the black, however I am unsure as to whether a female audience will relate to this as much as they would if the colours were warmer and more feminine including pinks and purples.


This is the second edit that I have created, I used the same amount of information as last time as this is just a tester to analyse the text, colours and appeal to our target audience. The only thing that I have changed from the first example of an edit is the text of 'COMING SOON' and then colours and style that I have used.

I really like this second example, especially a lot more than the first example. I think that the colours are a lot more relatable to the target audience that Eleanor and I are aiming for as there is a strong use of light colours including pinks, yellows and white. I think that these array of colours really compliment the black of the 21TV logo. I created this text by using an image of flowers as the background. The background of the text can easily be replaced with your own choice of background using Photofiltre, I think that this style is very bold and strong as there are not many backgrounds of text that use flowers. However, I do not think that you can see the flowers well enough to know what they are. Nevertheless, I think that this is very appealing and I would not hesitate to use it for the 21TV website.


This is the third edit that I have created to be placed in the box of the homepage. I think that  this third design is very similar to the second design apart from the colours of the text filler. Nevertheless, I like the colours that have been used in this design. I think that they also work well with the black of the logo. However, I think that this design would have worked better if I had chosen a more diverse font type. Although, if I were to choose this specific style, I could easily change the font type and make the colours more mixed. I originally created the fill for this text by again using duo colours, but in a different way. In the first edit, I used the duo colours from top to bottom but in this third edit, I have used the colours from left to right. I think that this works better than the first design but this could also be due to the differences in the text used in the first and third edits.

Of all of the designs that I have created so far, the second design is my favourite as the colours and even the simple idea of using flowers to attract a female audience. I am going to develop the second idea more now before asking members of my target audience if they are intrigued by the design.


This is my new design of the second edit, as this was my favourite design of the three, I decided to develop it a little more.

 As shown in the image to the right, I added some more text, still using the image of flowers as the filler. The good feature of using flowers as the filling of the text is that you can using more than once as there are so many colours on one image! In the text, I added a date, I did not specifically picked this date, I originally wanted a date that was a fair few weeks away, giving Eleanor and I time to complete our project. I also changed the text from 'COMING SOON' to 'COMING TO YOU' because I felt that the later went more with a date, whereas the original 'COMING SOON' is just something that fits in alone. 

Update: 29/01/2013- Originally, this design was suppose to be placed in the box that is shown above. However, after creating this design, I realized that it is in fact too large both width and length ways to fit into the box that I had chosen. I am now looking at other possibilities as to where to place this image about the launch of 21TV. The option that stands out most is at the top of the home page, where a slide show will be once the images are uploaded to the website, the design of the launch could be a feature of the slide show, however this is something that I will have to discuss with Eleanor before finalizing. 

As this design is now completed, I am going to look at completing other aspects of the home page. 

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