Although you cannot tell from the background of my blog, the image is white. This is the first constructed plan that I have created for the newspaper advert, it is rather plain in comparison to some advertisements that I have seen while looking through newspapers although I do think that in some cases, a plain image can be awfully eye-catching and look very sophisticated.
As shown on the left, I have included the 21TV logo at the top of the image, I am pleased that the logo is included, I do not think that it would really represent the channel if the logo was not included. As the logo is black, I did not want to just include black text, therefore I decided that pink text would interest a female target audience very well. I did not want to stick with one shade of pink, therefore I used two different. I chose to have the date of the launch in a different shade as I deemed it to be a vital part of the information to take from the advertisement.
I chose to remain with the text that I have included in the majority of the project thus far, Times New Roman CE as I am pleased with the way it has looked throughout the project.
When analyzing this advert, I have realized that I have not included a time, the specifics of what '21TV' includes and a way for the audience to access the channel. For example- Sky Channel 149. (I am aware that this number is already taken for an existing channel, however as I will not be airing my channel on Sky and this is just for the project's purposes, I felt it was okay to choose any number.) These are now things to add on when improving the advertisement.
This image shows the advert with the changes that I have made. I am pleased with the look of the image although I do not like the way that the darker pink text looks together. I think that it can be changed to look neater, more professional and sophisticated.
As mentioned above though, I do like the positioning of the text and the inclusion of the 21TV logo and if I do not want to change the lighter text of the logo.
I think that changing the font may make a positive difference to the time, date and channel number. Although, I would prefer to receive feedback on this before making additional changes.
I am pleased with the simplicity of the advert and I feel that it will stand out when placed in a newspaper. One example of this could be to include it in a fellow pupil's coursework as Marie is completing a newspaper with a website, there may be room to place the advert among her work.
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