Thursday, 13 December 2012

Production of Website:

Eleanor and I are now starting to look into production ideas for our website as we have collected all of the information that we need to begin the design of our website, we are happy with the changes made to the target audience and we are pleased with the mixture of results that we have recieved from the questionnaires.

We started the process of producing our website by thinking of a name for the TV channel, we decided to do this first as it would be a good platform to begin with and enable us to create the other aspects of our website from there. When thinking of names, we had to keep in mind our target audience of females and ensure that we came up with something relatable to them, still considering the range of ages in which we are also going to accomodate for, (18-24 year olds.) Keeping all of that in mind, Elenaor and I came up with the name 21TV as we liked the sound of the short yet catchy name. We also liked the fact that even though we are solely accomodating for females, this name does not shut out a male audience if they are interested in a show on '21TV' they will not be turned off by the name of the channel. We chose this name as 21 is the middle of the age range in which we are aiming to attract and it is also the infamous age associated with young adults which we thought we a key aspect for the name of our channel.

Now that we have a name that we are pleased with, the next step is creating the logo for our TV channel. Eleanor and I had already generated a few ideas, one in which we really liked, the design is hand drawn so we have deicded that if we do not create anything better on our desired program, we are going to scan the hand drawn image and ammend it. As for colours, we have decided that even though we are creating this for a female audience, we are not going to make pink the central colour of the website as we believe the female audience is already a broad and vast audience to crack, we are going to use a verity of colours that appeal to every type of female.

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