Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Images for TV show #1:

Here are the images with my comments (as to which I think are usable on the 21TV website and which I think are not what I am looking for).

The background of the images was not ideal but the time at which I took the images was not suitable for outside, as it was dark and the only place I had remotely suitable was my bedroom as I wanted to use a white background, I am hoping that the parts of the images that I am not happy with in regards to the background are changeable simply through some editing.

These images are not edited as I wanted to upload the selected images unedited before editing them at all: 

These two images show the main background for my photo shoot for my first and initial idea for a TV programme on 21TV about fashion. As I mentioned above, the background and location for this photo shoot was not ideal but at the time, it was the best that I could do and was available and I think that some good, decent and usable pictures were taken in this photo shoot.

As for the camera for this shoot, I used a Olympus SP-810UZ, 14 megapixel. This is my personal camera and I really enjoy taking images using different 'Magic' settings and also seeing the differences with and without flash, which is what these two images are. 

Before getting stuck in with the photo shoot, I decided to take images that would show how the background looks with and without flash. The top image shows the wall without flash, and after taking this image I thought that I would not need to use the flash, especially after taking the bottom image straight after with flash, which as you can see shows the shadows of the photographer and also objects around the room which were not suitable for the photographs I needed to capture. 

As there are many images, I have decided that the easiest way to comment on these was to look at them in groups of three:

These first three images are all very similar, as you can tell. I played with poses of the model, as well as choosing whether I use flash or not. The first image was taken without flash as I really wanted to test how the lighting and brightness effected the quality of the photos whereas the second two photos were both taken using my cameras flash, I thought that the flash would increase the quality of the photographs but in this case I found (as you can see) that the lighting did not come out white and I feel that this decreased the quality of the photos.

First picture: As mentioned above, the first image was taken without the flash and of the three images shown above, this is my favourite. I think that the lighting of this image works well as the background is as white as the wall itself. As for the props in the background, the blinds were not ideal but at the time of taking the images, this was the largest width space that was available and so I had to make do with the surroundings that I had. I think that the clock is a good prop, I did not edit the time at all but looking back I think that it would have been a creative idea to actually edit the time so that the clock represented something linking the audience with 21TV. I feel as though the clock at the time in the pictures is rather irrelevant when thought about in detail. The pose of the model in this image is fairly basic, however I think that it is relevant to the representation of a fashion programme. Overall, as this was the first image I took, I am pleased with the background and the overall look of the picture. 

Second and third picture: Again, as mentioned above these two images were taken with flash and unfortunately they did not turn out as well as I hoped. I think this could possibly be to do with the setting of the camera, other than having the flash on the camera, I had no other setting and as the photo shoot progressed and I took more images using different settings, I found that I did not have this problem as much. As I also mentioned earlier, the blinds in these images are in no way ideal but there was no other way I could take the images without including the blinds, hopefully they can easily be edited out. As for the poses of these two images, they do not differ too much from the first image but I think that have a range of images to choose from is more than helpful, even if the only difference is the facial expression. I found this to be the case (other than the lighting) in the first and third image and I am glad that there are a range of images that I can choose with the same or similar poses. I think that the shoes are again a good representation of the programme that I am aiming to create (where this specific model is concerned) and I am fairly pleased with these three opening shots.

As there are many images that are all very similar, I am not going to comment on all of them. I am going to upload the rest of the images in which the model is wearing the same outfit, possibly commenting on others before moving on to a different style:


These images are all very similar to the first three and although I am not going to go into length commenting on them, I do however like the image in the top right hand corner as I think the pose of the model and the facial expression are very complimentary for what I am aiming at. Although, the blinds do take some of the initial edge away from the softness of the picture. 

Pictures of second outfit, different style:

I have selected some images from the second outfit that I photographed. This is the first image that I have selected, as you may be able to tell, for these photographs, I changed the setting to 'Pin Hole'. I really like this setting as I think it shows the light in a nice way but also has a dimness which I think in this instance, compliments the outfit of the model. I really like this outfit as I think the different outfits that I have used are a good way of indicating the style of the TV show as well as the 'presenter' of the show.  In this image, I wanted to model to be holding clothes so that the image would in some way represent the idea of the TV programme it was taken for, which I think it does. I really like this image as I think it is very eye catching. The clock is another prop that I decided to use to represent the countdown to the start and launch of 21TV.

This is the second image that I selected as it is very different from the first one, this image shows the model/presenter favouring one outfit from another which I think is an important aspect of the TV show in which these images were taken for. The only thing that I don't like about this image is the fact that the vase is so obvious in the background. I am hoping that the aspects of the image I do not like can easily be edited out and that I can still use the image for any aspect of the website. I think the concentration on the model/presenters face also shows a certain intensity which I think goes well with the idea of the show as well as this image. 

Although I am not a huge fan of the facial expression used by the model in this image, I think that the clock plays a significant part in the countdown of the launch of 21TV and therefore I think that this image is rather important. I do think that the image could be improved a lot if the model was simply looking directly at the camera, this is my fault entirely as I was directing the photo shoot and I did not refer back to my images enough to ensure that I had the shots that I needed.  

This is the fourth and final image from this style and outfit that I have chosen to comment on. I like the pose of this image as I think it fits in very well with my initial idea of the fashion programme which can be found here.
I think that having the model/presenter criticizing the clothes openly is a good shot to have, I think that this image in particular needs editing but I do think that there is potential for this image to be rather significant in my project. Although, I am unsure as to whether I think that the facial expression is a little too stern or whether it is soft enough to use. I think that if I am going to use this image at all, it will have to edited. 

The first and third images show a different effect to any of the previous images, it is called 'Soft Focus'. I do not really like this effect though as it does not define the image enough for me. I think that this style of effect would work better if the image was more defined. I also think that if the image was not a main focus of what I need it for, this effect may also work. For example- It may work well with the background that I mentioned about creating in the earlier post. I may try out creating the background with one of these images included. 

The middle image is the same 'Pin Hole' effect as the images above, which I think works very well. Although, you can see the flash in this image I am hoping it is editable if I wanted to use this particular image. I think that the stance of the model is effective in the image as it feels strong. I also like the way that the model is holding the clothes and the clock so strongly. This image again suggests that the countdown to this model's fashion programme has begun, which is exciting! 

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