Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Editing Newspaper Advertisement:

As my previous posts show, I have begun constructing the extra piece of work for the project, a newspaper advertisement. After completing my initial ideas, I found that I had missed off a lot of important information, therefore I have decided to use the same style but start again.

I am using Photofiltre, as I have for the majority of the work on this project. 

I have remained with the same text Times New Roman CE, and rather than using the same block pink colour as I have here: 

Although I originally felt that this block colouring worked, I have now found a more creative way to get my message across. 

I have decided that changing the colours of each line to fade, as if some form of shading, may draw the audience in, more than simply block lettering: 

As you can see from the two images, there are some differences and improvements that I have made. I chose to change the colours of the text and have them fading from a dark shade to gradually become lighter. I chose to do this as I felt overall it would attract a wider audience and catch more eyes in a newspaper. The audience may take a second look at the fading text and become interested in the advertisement. As you can also see from the two images, I have decreased the gap between each line. This is merely for presentation purposes. I felt that the first image, with the larger gaps did not look as well presented and as professional as the improved image  where the text is closer together and there are some slight overlaps, I think these work very well as the text is in a different colour. 

I have decided to keep the 21TV on the top of the advertisement page as I feel the logo will really catch the audiences attention for being slightly unique and bold. 

Information still needed on newspaper advertisement:

There is still some information needed to be added to the newspaper advertisement.  As stated in previous posts, the information will include:

  • Time
  • Date
  • Channel on Sky/Freeview
  • Link to the website
Although it will be very simple to include the time, date and the channel etc. I may have some difficulty when trying to include a link to the website before I have published it. This is because I will not know exactly what the link will be until I have published the website. 

UPDATE- I have just searched on Google to see if it is possible to edit the website once published and as it is, I have decided that the easiest option is in fact to publish the website now as I am able to edit it whenever. 

02/05/2013- I have made some additions to the newspaper advertisement: 

As you can see, I have added the details that I listed above. I chose to maintain the colour scheme from the wording above, although the shades of pinks have changed slightly, the fading technique remains the same. 

I am pleased with the information that is placed on the advertisement, but I do think that it still looks rather simplistic, I am unsure as to whether it would attract its intended audience. 

The other concern that I have is that as mentioned above, I am going to include the website link allowing people to type it from the advertisement into their search engine. I have also managed to edit the web address on Wix, making it more appealing to the audience and related to the channel. 

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Page titles on the website:

I have added a title to the About page as I felt it would be better to have a title made from Photofiltre that I had constructed rather than simply insert some text into a box that was there on the template.

I chose to use a light shade of pink for this title as I had used similar colours previously. I also chose to include the logo as I felt it would make more sense having the page 'About 21TV' rather than just 'About us', it shows the audience that the specific page is about the channel and the producers. I am pleased with the outcome of the title, I think that it is very simplistic but it also does what I need it to do, informs the audience of the information on the page below. 

Other titles on the website

As other titles that I have constructed on the website, I have used Photofiltre. I am pleased that I chose to stick with this program throughout, I think that it has worked very well for all of the text that I have needed to use it for. 

I have used different colours for each of the titles and I am glad that I chose to differentiate between colours and not stick with the same colour, I think that it gives the website some originality. I am pleased that I have been able to use colours other than pink, as the background uses some green and there is purple throughout the website. In using different colours, I am hoping that it will interest a larger audience. 

The Date:

I chose to go into more depth on The Date; I have decided to develop the idea to include it on the Shows page on the 21TV website. 

I have started by constructing a title for the programme on Photofiltre:

I chose the Times New Roman CE font for this piece of text, as I have with a lot of the other text. As you can see, the two words are of different sizes as well as different colours. I did this because I felt the difference in colour brought emphasis to both of the words and I chose to have a slight difference in size to put emphasis on the genre of the programme. 

I have added The Date to the home page, as you can see here:

As mentioned here on my blog, I thought that I would include a link on the contact page for the public to apply for the next series of The Date. You can see from this print screen that I have done this and included links to the contact page and the shows page. 
When taken to the shows page, you will see a section on Lauren, Fashionista, The Dark Side of Drugs and finally, The Date. Each has a small, brief paragraph explaining the programmes. 

This print screen shows The Date on the Shows page with a small paragraph on what the show is about: 

The paragraph explains the show briefly and I have left the option for a link at the bottom, which I am going to create once the rest of the website is completed. 

The link will take the audience to another page about The Date that will have more images, including the interior of a house that will be used as images for the house on the show. 

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Links for Music:

I have created links on the home page from the band names to their official websites. I feel that by doing this, if someone is browsing on the 21TV website and is unsure as to who any of the bands are, with one click they can find out all that they need to know. I originally made the links to Wikipedia pages about the bands but I quickly changed it when realizing that the link should indeed go to the official website. 

The print screen to the left shows the bands' names in a slightly different colour, allowing the audience to see that there is a link attached with the names. 

Programmes for schedule:

Programmes created for the purpose of the schedule:
I am now going to explain the ideas behind the programmes created for the schedule.

  1. Quiz It- This programme, as you can tell from the name is a form of game show. The basic idea behind this programme is that there will be a general knowledge quiz between a number of contestants, resulting ultimately in a prize for the winning contestant. This idea is clearly based on existing game shows including The Chase and Pointless. The show will last approximately for an hour, as most game shows do. The initial idea is that there would be several rounds to the game, to whittle down the number of contestants. As the channel is aimed at women between the ages of 18 and 24, I thought that the questions would purely be general knowledge as I feel if the questions were specifically about a topic, the programme would not engage an audience as vast. However, for the final prize on the game show, something that would interest women would be a city break or holiday. I think this would be a suitable prize for a game show on a channel with the target audience of 21TV as every woman would enjoy a break or holiday.
  2. The Date- A twist on the already existing dating programmes that currently air such as Take Me Out and Dating In The Dark and programmes that are no longer produced such as Blind Date. Each of these have a different twist on British dating shows and I thought that an original, new dating show would fit perfectly on 21TV. I chose the simplistic title of The Date as I felt it would get the point of the programme across. As you can see from the schedule the show is on air alternating days at 6:30PM with a double bill, each episode lasting half an hour. I thought that for this programme, the contestants could apply online, as well as some others and for this, I would have to include something on the website that accommodates this. Perhaps another section on the Contact Us page would be appropriate for this. As the contestants would already be picked for the show, The Date would bring them together, on the Isle of Man and compatibly match the couples. (This idea was taken from the BBC 3 series, The Year Of Making Love) The show would then put the allocated couples in a house, on the Island as the programme would show their journey as they come closer together or are torn apart and are not at all interested in each other. The series will last for six weeks, resulting in the contestants moving back home, deciding whether or not they would like a relationship. 
  3. Latest News- I chose to have a news segment as channels that I researched seemed to have their individual news bulletins. BBC 3 and MTV both have small news segments throughout their day. As you can see from the schedule, I chose to have it on once a day for 30 minutes. The news that will be included are stories that are relevant to the target audience on 21TV and the things they enjoy, such as the programmes that are on 21TV. Therefore one example could be a breaking story about a celebrity that is starring in a 21TV show. I initially named the news broadcast 'Showbiz News' but after some deliberation, I decided that 'Latest News' was more practical and formal, I also thought that not all of the news that will be reported, will be about celebrities; if there is an important national story from the UK or the Isle of Man no matter what the story is, I feel it should be reported in some detail. 
  4. Hottest Music Right Now- As the schedule shows, this programme is scheduled to air on a Friday and Saturday night. The programme will essentially be a collection of the 'hottest' music videos right now. I chose this particular time slot so that the music videos would be on when the audience are planning to go out for the evening. As interaction with the audience if crucial to the success of the channel, I think that it is imperitive that the audience are able to contact 21TV with a music video they would like to see on during the programme, I think it is important that this is make accessible on the website.
  5. Students- The initial idea behind this concept was a comedy series. As you can see by the schedule, this programme is set to air every night (bar Sunday) for a double bill. Although this may seem like a lot of the same programme, when researching I found that BBC 3 do this with their airing of Family Guy, which airs every night from 10:30pm and shows a double bill. The idea of this comedy show, is that there would be a group of students, at University or college, and the (fictional) series would show their lives at university and the problems they create and how they cope with living together. This concept could be likened to The Inbetweeners, however I think that the idea of this show is different enough from The Inbetweeners to be successful.
  6. Make Me Up- I have mentioned the ideas of this programme in previous posts as is it one that Eleanor has created. They can be found in this post on Eleanor's blog. 
  7. Away From Home and Alone- I created this with the initial thought of it being either a one-off documentary or a short series, following different people that are within the age range of 21TV, living away from home and being alone. I really like the idea of this documentary and one of the reasons that I was able to think of it, is because it would be something that I would be interested in watching, if it were made for television. Therefore, the idea would follow multiple people, as they live away from home whilst studying, if they are travelling or perhaps if they decide to move across the country or to a completely different one. I think that a lot of the target audience will be able to relate to this as the majority of students are within the target audience range of 18-24. However, if a member of the audience is not a student and simply moved away from home for a job or a partner, then I feel that they could really relate to this programme too. 
  8. Have You Got The Gift- This is the idea that I am least confident about. When constructing the schedule, I was aiming to have a verity of genres on the channel and one I felt that I was missing, was some form of talent show. However, as there are already countless talent shows on the air, including X-Factor and Britain's Got Talent. I decided that creating a talent show completely different to any that already air. However, after completing the schedule and coming back to write about the programmes that I have created, I have now decided that I do not this there is a space on the market for another talent show. I do not think it would be received well by the audience, especially as I have chosen to air it at the exact same time as the long running talent shows. (This is a fault of mine as I did not think carefully enough when constructing the schedule.) Due to changing my mind, I will edit the schedule when I have access to a computer that has the software needed. 
  9. Have You Got The Xtra-Gift- The paragraph above explains these two programmes as I created a follow up programme to appear after the one above. 
  10. Sunday Movie- As I have explained in previous posts, this is when I will air a movie but to keep the suspense, the movie title will not be shown until the movie comes on. Therefore, I named the programme, Sunday Movie. I thought that this was a little twist on airing a movie and I think it will keep the audience intrigued. 
  • Crazy is the only show I do not currently have an initial idea for. 

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Completed Schedule:

This image shows the schedule completed. As I did not have the software myself to complete the table, I did it on another laptop. It was very simple, I created a table using Microsoft Word. As mentioned in previous posts, I have included the programmes already created for the purpose of 21TV but I have also constructed some specifically for the schedules. 

I am pleased with the way that the schedule has been created as it means it will be easy to edit weekly, which is a feature that I mentioned in previous posts found here and here

As you can see, the table shows the day of the week along the top row and the first column is allocated to the time of the programmes. For the schedule I have used the font Georgia, as this is the font of the text on my blog.

If the programme is airing for more than half an hour at a time, the specific programme will be allocated two boxes, an example of this can be seen for the first programme 'Quiz It' on Monday at 6:30-7:30. 
As you may also be able to tell from the schedule, there are multiple repeats of programmes throughout the week, this is almost to mirror the fact that a lot of channels already on the air such as Sky Living and BBC 3 either repeat shows multiple times a day or week or have the same programme on at a scheduled time every single day, as I have with Students (bar Sunday). 

The schedule shows a range of programmes including quiz shows, dating shows, the latest news relevant to the channel, fashion, beauty, music, documentaries, comedy, drama and reality. I also decided to include an allocated movie slot for a Sunday evening, this is the only programme on the schedule that is not an originial idea and although the schedule will be weekly, I have decided to name the slot 'Sunday Movie' and keep some suspense for the audience that will be tuning in. 

 I am pleased with the fact that I have been able to create such a wide verity of programmes solely for one channel. Although I have not yet gone into detail about each programme shown in the table, this will follow. As when I was creating the table, each idea had to be developed to at least a basic standard to produce the name. Therefore, each programme has a general outline and theme if it were to be taken as a further programme and explained on the website as for example, Fashionista and Lauren are. 

I have created a title for the schedule page:
This image shows the constructed title for the schedule page, created on Photofiltre.  For the title 'Schedule' I chose the font Times New Roman CE as this is the font I have used for most of the main text in the project. As you can see I chose a hot pink colour for the large text. I am pleased with the colour as I think it stands out when placed on the website, as the colours of the background and surrounding pieces of text are softer colours. For the smaller text, I chose Lucinda Handwriting as I have used this font in other pieces of text for the website, including the FAQ page. I really like the way the two fonts look together as the smaller text is a softer colour and the two compliment each other. I also think that the colours will engage a female audience, which is a positive thing as the schedule is an important aspect of the website; allowing the audience to see the listings of programmes for the week online. 

This print screen shows the title and the schedule on the webpage: 

I really like the way that this page looks. I do think that more information is needed, such as the date of the channel launch, so that the audience is aware of when they can watch the channel as well as the information included on the newspaper advertisement that I have begun to construct, found here

The only issue that I may have now is that the channel launch was scheduled on Friday 29 March 2013, which has already passed, as mentioned in another post, I am unsure if this is an issue or whether I can continue with the plan to launch the channel on a Friday. If I do continue with this, there may be some confusion with when exactly the schedule will commence. This is a fault of mine when constructing the schedule as I did not think very well about the plans I had already made in regards to the launch of the channel. This could be a problem when I receive feedback, however it is fixable when I have access to editing the schedule. 

Uploaded Video and Changes:

I have managed to upload the video to the website, as I mentioned here. The video has not been edited yet but I am satisfied that I have been able to upload it to the 21TV website. Eleanor and I have had some feedback, I have included some changes to be made to the video in the link at the start of this post. 

This print screen shows the video on the home page: 

As you can see from this print screen, I have also moved the image that was placed at the bottom of the home page as I felt that it fitted with the video rather than being stuck at the bottom of the page. This image also links to the shows page, and for this reason I feel that it is vital that it is placed in a better position that previous. 

I am pleased at how the top of the home page has now turned out. Although, there is now a gap at the bottom of the home page that will have to be filled. This could perhaps be filled by another video or maybe print screens of the newspaper advertisement that I am creating and the double page spread that Eleanor will be creating. 

Update on Newspaper Advertisement:

In previous posts, I mentioned my initial ideas for the Newspaper Advertisement that I need to create. Since this, I have begun to construct some ideas for the advertisement. I have decided to stick with the majority of my initial ideas and this is the first piece that I have created:

Although you cannot tell from the background of my blog, the image is white. This is the first constructed plan that I have created for the newspaper advert, it is rather plain in comparison to some advertisements that I have seen while looking through newspapers although I do think that in some cases, a plain image can be awfully eye-catching and look very sophisticated. 

As shown on the left, I have included the 21TV logo at the top of the image, I am pleased that the logo is included, I do not think that it would really represent the channel if the logo was not included. As the logo is black, I did not want to just include black text, therefore I decided that pink text would interest a female target audience very well. I did not want to stick with one shade of pink, therefore I used two different. I chose to have the date of the launch in a different shade as I deemed it to be a vital part of the information to take from the advertisement. 

I chose to remain with the text that I have included in the majority of the project thus far, Times New Roman CE as I am pleased with the way it has looked throughout the project.

When analyzing this advert, I have realized that I have not included a time, the specifics of what '21TV' includes and a way for the audience to access the channel. For example- Sky Channel 149. (I am aware that this number is already taken for an existing channel, however as I will not be airing my channel on Sky and this is just for the project's purposes, I felt it was okay to choose any number.) These are now things to add on when improving the advertisement. 

This image shows the advert with the changes that I have made. I am pleased with the look of the image although I do not like the way that the darker pink text looks together. I think that it can be changed to look neater, more professional and sophisticated. 

As mentioned above though, I do like the positioning of the text and the inclusion of the 21TV logo and if I do not want to change the lighter text of the logo.

I think that changing the font may make a positive difference to the time, date and channel number. Although, I would prefer to receive feedback on this before making additional changes. 

I am pleased with the simplicity of the advert and I feel that it will stand out when placed in a newspaper. One example of this could be to include it in a fellow pupil's coursework as Marie is completing a newspaper with a website, there may be room to place the advert among her work. 


I have started to construct the schedule mentioned in a previous post, when thinking about how to create the table I decided that the table will be for one week only, beginning with the launch night with amendments being made to the schedule each week.

I have included the programmes that have already been created, as mentioned on the previous posts. I have added new programmes, created solely for the schedule. 

As far as the newly created programmes are concerned, I have included:

  • Quiz It
  • The Date
  • Showbiz News
  • Hottest Music Right Now
  • Have You Got The Gift?
  • Students
  • Make Me Up
I will go into more detail on each of these after the completed schedule is published.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Launch Date:

As the launch date that I had originally set for 21TV has already passed, and the channel is not ready to be launched. I will have to check with Eleanor before changing the date as I am unsure as to whether it matters a great deal, however I am aware of the fact.