Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Production of 21TV Website:

I am now continuing the production of the website for 21TV. After editing the Shows link, I decided that rather than focusing on one particular page, I am going edit the website generally. I am planning on taking photographs of two other students in the very near future. Eleanor is planning on taking some photographs for another programme on 21TV.

(Once I have edited the website as much as I can using the images that I have, I am going to add all of the text that I know will just need an image adding to it.)

Editing the home page:

The image in this print screen was originally placed at the top of the home page, centred in a box with easiet for the audience. The production of which can be found here and here. However, after taking another look at the spaces that need filling on the home page and just what information I intend on using to fill it, I decided to move this box to the bottom of the page. I understand that it is not very thoughtfully placed as far as the audience are concerned as they may have trouble finding it. However, I am going to use this image quite a lot throughout the website. The placing of this particular image is hopefully going to be a hyperlink to another page on the 21TV website. I think a lot of the information is needed on individual pages rather than trying to cram it all on the home page. For now, I am pleased with the placing on this box however I will need to check with Eleanor if see agrees on this.

Editing of shows page:

I have deiced to change the layout of the 'Shows' page as I do not think that it works very well for mulitple boxes of information. Originally, the template of that page was the one included in the original template of the website. However, I do not know think that this is appropriate and I have chosen the template on the print screen on the left. I chose this template as, although it is not too different to the temlate that is used I think that it is more helpful for the page that Eleanor and I are trying to create.

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